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#1 2015-03-14 15:54:23

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2015-03-14
Messages: 14

Making friends.

Hello everyone, i joined today. i have been playing on my friend's ex-account for a few years and finally thought i'd re-start on my own. one thing i learnt from playing from my friend's ex-account is that a lot of people don't maintain friendships. i'm not accusing you or anyone but its just that that old account used to have a lot of friends the first few days we used to chat but then they just forget about you. this is very sad.

people on the forum like us lot, are very friendly and i like that community. but why is it not the same on the game? there is the private messaging feature however everyone only gets friendly on the forums.

i would like some great friends on game. but i'd also like to notify that i won't be that active until november due to school.

i didn't mean to offend anyone i just thought i'd share how i feel.


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#2 2015-03-14 16:06:23

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Making friends.

Hm, I for myself prefer gaming while being in-game. I don't feel the need to talk while sorting ponies or traits (and while the system breaks down every once in a while). ^.^
When I want to talk, I come to the forum. I'm simply no multi-tasker. When I game, I game. When I talk, I talk. I hate doing many things at once. - And I usually only add people to my friends list who are active here in the forum as well 'cause I have the feeling that they are around more regulary. Not to mention that I don't see any benefit in having a friends list on Poneyvallée at all... you can't even see the online-status (anymore).

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#3 2015-03-16 12:16:19

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2015-03-14
Messages: 14

Re: Making friends.

shinsengumi a écrit:

Hm, I for myself prefer gaming while being in-game. I don't feel the need to talk while sorting ponies or traits (and while the system breaks down every once in a while). ^.^
When I want to talk, I come to the forum. I'm simply no multi-tasker. When I game, I game. When I talk, I talk. I hate doing many things at once. - And I usually only add people to my friends list who are active here in the forum as well 'cause I have the feeling that they are around more regulary. Not to mention that I don't see any benefit in having a friends list on Poneyvallée at all... you can't even see the online-status (anymore).

now that you mention it, its true. i dont understand what other things we can do on game other than feed them everyday and breed a whole lot and feed them and keep them healthy. is there anything else we can do? not counting the traits part hehe

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#4 2015-03-16 14:35:30

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Making friends.

We can take part in the beauty contest, of course. :)
Play the oracle to receive silver and golden coins for trading them for traits, pegasus or celestials.
Some breed to inherit traids they can't buy from the store 'cause they're exclusives.
And I breed for pure and misty colours which is a quite difficult thing to do. :S

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#5 2015-03-16 15:18:23

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2014-12-26
Messages: 10

Re: Making friends.

Hi, welcome (sort of~ Catitiz_PDT_03 )
I'm also kind of new. I don't get around to the forum much, but I do get on the game every day. Feel free to chat with me any time Catitiz_PDT_12
Honestly I myself have kind of run out of things to do in the game. I try and enter a pony for every new beauty contest, and go over and vote sometimes. I save up and every couple of days buy a new trait (can't buy Feez from here...)
I gave up going to the oracle because it was too difficult and I couldn't get a single golden coin Catitiz_PDT_49

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#6 2015-03-17 02:19:31

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2015-03-14
Messages: 14

Re: Making friends.

shinsengumi a écrit:

We can take part in the beauty contest, of course. :)
Play the oracle to receive silver and golden coins for trading them for traits, pegasus or celestials.
Some breed to inherit traids they can't buy from the store 'cause they're exclusives.
And I breed for pure and misty colours which is a quite difficult thing to do. :S

hehe thanks :D


alette a écrit:

Hi, welcome (sort of~ Catitiz_PDT_03 )
I'm also kind of new. I don't get around to the forum much, but I do get on the game every day. Feel free to chat with me any time Catitiz_PDT_12
Honestly I myself have kind of run out of things to do in the game. I try and enter a pony for every new beauty contest, and go over and vote sometimes. I save up and every couple of days buy a new trait (can't buy Feez from here...)
I gave up going to the oracle because it was too difficult and I couldn't get a single golden coin Catitiz_PDT_49

ooh i see. can i add you? but... like i mentioned before i dont think  i will be getting online as much as i used to on my friend's account.

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#7 2015-04-10 03:53:53

fiche Eleveur
Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 2013-08-30
Messages: 2

Re: Making friends.

Catitiz_PDT_18  Hi everyone i'm new in PV , and it's my first time in the forum Catitiz_PDT_27 . I just hope we can be friends, and if you want you can add me ;)

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#8 2016-11-16 01:28:09

fiche Eleveur
Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 2016-11-16
Messages: 1

Re: Making friends.

I am on the part where it says "Add a friend." Well.. every time i click on a random name it says "Friend request sent." When i am on i guess nobody else i click on is online.Catitiz_PDT_24 so i wish i had a friend that's on.

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#9 2016-11-16 04:10:27

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-02-21
Messages: 70

Re: Making friends.

When you open the breeder telephone book, the names at the start of the list that have a green background are the players who are logged in.  Players who aren't logged in when you send a request will find the request when they log in.

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#10 2016-11-16 09:00:27

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2016-05-12
Messages: 12

Re: Making friends.

winda a écrit:

I am on the part where it says "Add a friend." Well.. every time i click on a random name it says "Friend request sent." When i am on i guess nobody else i click on is online.Catitiz_PDT_24 so i wish i had a friend that's on.


I sent a friend request to you. :)

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