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#1 2015-09-28 18:24:58

Chris Rallim
fiche Eleveur
Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 2015-09-28
Messages: 2

Quests have disappeared.

I started playing this game yesterday with my wife and I was on the quest to have one friend. I  sent the request to my wife then logged out. When I logged back in it showed she had accepted the request however the quest was gone and so was the one about the baby pony I had. I cleared my cache and cookies, autofill etc and double checked to make sure browser and flash are up to date which they are. I can't figure out why the quests have disappeared. My wife is having a different issue which she posted about herself, is the whole game just bugged or what? Any help would be appreciated.

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#2 2015-09-28 21:15:10

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: Quests have disappeared.

Well, if the quest is fullfilled, it will disappear.

Do you have any active quest now?

Do you play via facebook or the "real" game?

And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#3 2015-09-28 23:29:05

Chris Rallim
fiche Eleveur
Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 2015-09-28
Messages: 2

Re: Quests have disappeared.

I know that but not both quests were fulfilled I was waiting for the baby to be born and now it seems stuck, my wife got one to build her trophy house which I have not received and have not received a trophy for having a friend. We both play on FB and she tried going to the actual site but couldn't figure out her log in. I received nothing when I completed the friend quest just logged into both quests gone, no rewards no next step nothing.

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#4 2015-09-29 10:56:47

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Quests have disappeared.

The problem is that games don't run smoothly when played via Facebook. All problems we are aware of are to 95% Facebook-problems and we don't really know how to handle it. Several specials don't run when played via Facebook as well.
We highly recommend playing Poneyvallée via direct connection - http://www.poneyvallee.com
That means you have to create a new account by registering on the "real" site. Facebook-passworts don't work with it. It's a real mess and I'd love to know what FB has done to supress so many functions.
I'm really sorry for the trouble you have though. :(

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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